Eagle Festival in Bayan Olgii (Part 1 of Epic Adventure)

Before I left Canada, my dear friends Frank and Elizabeth urged me to 1) buy a really warm jacket, or 2) do something unusual.

I guess this trip, the topic of my post, is in the unusual category.

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to join a group of fantabulous Aussies (and one Kiwi!) for a one week epic adventure, travelling to Western Mongolia for the Eagle Festival and to horse ride in Tavan Bogd National Park. Since so many things happened, the trip will be divided into two posts, as stated in the title. Anywho.

I’m trying to recount my trip, but I really can’t. SO many things happened…to make things easier, I’ll make a list:

– I was blessed to have my lovely cousin, Phuong-Y join me! Yay girl bonding time!


– typical things you would expect out of a Mongolian adventure, such as no showers, no hot water, no toilets (unless you count nature as one big toilet), buuummmpyyyyy looooonnnngggg van rides, van break downs, van stuck in a river, sketchy hotels, no privacy ever




Van stuck in river

– staying with a lovely Kazakh family (FYI Kazakhs, originating from Kazakhstan, are Mongolia’s largest minority and comprise 95% of the Bayan Olgii province population)




– 10 person + slumber party on the living room floor or the Kazakh family

– singing, meat, and speeches!

– meeting Ashol-Pan! She is basically a celebrity, but don’t take my word for it, read the original BBC article about her here. Crazy story: My cousin loves her and wanted to meet her…coincidentally our driver knows her family, and surprised us by bringing her to our hotel door! My cousin burst into tears, naturally, but Ashol-Pan and her father were so sweet to come see us…especially after riding for two days just to get to Olgii. (FYI this was her first time competing at the Eagle Festival. FYI she won).


– oh ya, and seeing super cool decked out eagle hunters do their thing!


In this event, they are calling down their eagle who is at the top of the mountain. Fastest time wins!





Opening parade


Opening parade – camels!


Poser Eagle Hunter shot – bet you didn’t see this one coming